What is VPN

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What is VPN? The short answer: Virtual Private Network. If you are still a little lost as to what VPN means, let me shed some light on the subject. The word virtual private network refers to any method which can encapsulate and deliver data network-wide, usually Internet Protocol data, across another network. This allows users to securely access network resources which might otherwise be unavailable from the public internet
How does it work? When a user wants to surf the web, a browser sends requests to a private network, which translates those requests into a format which is understood by the destination computer. The destination computer then responds by passing on the requested information. In a nutshell, the network that’s receiving the information is the private one, not the one the user is on.
Why would anyone want to have a private network? For instance, if a hacker wanted to break into your home network, he’d look for ways in which to bypass all firewalls or security programs. He wouldn’t be able to do that if he had his own network, where no one else could get into it. Likewise, if you want to keep your children safe online, you could install a program that allows them to use the Internet without being restricted in any way. But a parent wouldn’t do that – not unless he also installed VPN.
So what is VPN exactly? It stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a type of server which connects two or more computers with each one able to view the Internet the same as the other. This can be accomplished using an IP network, or any type of addressable network, such as a DSL or cable modem connection. A private network is much like the Internet itself, a separate one that is virtually separated from the rest of the world.
There are several different types of this technology, and they are usually broken down into the various categories that people usually think of. The most common VPN types are referred to as public networks, which are ones that are intended for general Internet access. These types of servers are often used by universities, businesses, and public computer labs. Another type of VPN server is referred to as internal networks, which are used by individual computers within a company or organization. This type of server is often used by IT professionals who want to secure their computers at home so that they can surf the Internet while at work. A third category is referred to as L2TP/IP tunnels, which is a type of virtual networking that offers better security than public networks because it is not governed by any governing body.
In order to answer the question of what is VPN?, it is usually helpful to understand how a VPN server works. When you connect to a VPN server, you are allowing your computer to become invisible to other people on the Internet. This is done with a process called encryption. An encryption key is put into the computer to encrypt all of the data that goes in and from your computer. To see this in action, you would need to have someone come up to your desk and give you a packet of data and be able to decode it. With a VPN server, you are able to do this without anyone ever knowing that you are doing it.