School leaving is a significant milestone in the lives of a lot of people. It can be a stressful and overwhelming period for students as they are stepping into unfamiliar territory. The pressure of getting into a sustainable job builds up. They would also need to make sure that it is suitable for them as well – a high paying job that makes one’s life miserable is of no good. Programs like sles ndis exist to make it a seamless process for students.
These institutes can mentor and train individuals to set into the world after school. Such organisations can help build the skills necessary to land a job right after school. Some skills are an absolute must-have in terms of employment opportunities. Here are the top skills that can increase employment opportunities for individuals leaving school.
Communication skills
Any job these days requires good communication abilities. Most positions in both the public and the private sector employ vertical management. It means that people are in constant communication to get work done effectively. People with underdeveloped communication skills can significantly lag behind competitive individuals. Thankfully, however, communication is something that individuals can improve vastly. Programs like sles ndis can help school leaving students to enhance communication skills significantly. They make them good enough to ease through sessions like that of corporate interviews and group discussions.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking skills are a trait that all individuals require to navigate everyday life. These skills are sadly not prioritised enough in regular schooling that several students are miles behind. It puts them at a severe disadvantage. It’s not just with employment opportunities, but also in general day to day life as well. The main adjoining factors of critical thinking include making informed and well-researched decisions. Following an analytical and logical approach to solving a problem is a good marker of critical thinking. Group discussions are the usual way in which potential employers test an individual’s critical thinking potential.
Smart-working capability
Gone are the days of people valuing raw hard work and tireless brute labour. The new keyword for success is ‘smart work’. It no longer matters how much work one puts into something. The only factor that matters is how efficient one is in doing it. Employers would look at how their potential employee would traverse through assignments and the methodology they implement. They would also look at the planning phase and how well individuals cope with setbacks. Stop aimless brute work and start employing cleverer working practices in one’s daily life.
Train oneself into approaching everyday activities in multiple ways and try to select the most optimal way.
Confidence is the age-old mantra in success in any field. Believing in one’s own skills and talents are integral in any job. Self-belief comes across to the potential employer in the way one presents themselves in an interview or gd. It will also greatly reflect in the application or resume that one submits to them. It is, therefore, crucial that one needs to get their body language right. Some particular actions may denote a lack of confidence, while others may come off as swagger. Fake it till one makes it a bad idea is a bad example. Be honest and emphasise where the strengths lie.
Getting good at these general skills to some level can exponentially improve chances of landing a job as soon as one gets out of school.