Top 10 Off Page SEO Strategies

Top 10 Off Page SEO Strategies
Every blogger face two phases in his blogging journey, First to build up a good blog and second is to promote and optimize its blog for search engines. If you working only on writing content than you are leaving 50 percent of what you should give to your blogging. With out Search Engine Optimization your blog is just like a fish without water. Although writing good and quality is the main cause of bringing traffic towards blog but suppose if your blog has too many pages with duplicate content than soon or later your blog will be penalize by search engines and all your hard work will go in vain. Below i am sharing few off page SEO tips but keep in mind that before doing so please complete on Page SEO of your blog by reading my article Top 10 On Page SEO Tips.
1. Join Social Networking Sites.
This should be the first step for every blogger after creating and writing quality blog. Social network sites are free and great your to promote your blog and bring traffic. Start sharing your blog with your friends and family members and encourage them to share your blog with there friends as well. This way you can bring lots of visitors initially and they can suggest you that you can improve your blog. Join as many social networks as you can but the most popular social networks are given below.
2. Join Forums.
Forums are another great way to bring free traffic but try to join forums related to your blog niche because it will bring targeted visitors towards your blog which means more sales. Also respect the forums rules and regulations and do not spam in forum. Spamming is one thing that every body hates so stay away from it. Always give your blog link in forum signatures and not in the posts. Try to find high page rank DoFollow forums so that link juice can pass on to your blog. Below is the website through which you can find any forum related to your blog niche.
3. Article Directory Submission.
Article directories are growing day by day and these are awesome way to bring traffic as well as quality one way back link to your blog. Article directories have articles posted by various people so that other people share there articles on their blog but with backlink to the author of the article. This way both parties benefit from this service. So if we post an interesting article on any Article directory we will get one back link from Article directory and if any other person post this article on his blog, he have to credit you to use that article which means more backlink to your bog.
4. Social Bookmarking Sites.
Social Bookmarking sites are a collection of interesting websites which people like and share with others. These sites are also goof way to bring quality and targeted traffic towards your website. All these websites are free to join and mainly works on users vote. You simply have to submit your blog article daily on each and every website you join. If your article is interesting than people may like your content and vote for it,hence your article will be on the top of the list and get more visitors. You also get back link from these website so joining Social Bookmarking sites is a good option.
5. Join Web 2.0 Sites.
Web 2.0 Sites are sites where you submit high class articles and if approved your articles will be promoted in search engines and hence will give you lots of free traffic. Some of Web 2.0 Sites also share revenue like Google Adsense and give you a quality back link as well. Join some of the most popular Web 2.0 Sites now.
6. RSS Aggregators.
RSS means “Really Simple Syndication” and its a simply way to distribute your articles with many people. So if a person like many website but don’t want to visit each and every website daily than he will subscribe to that website via his Emil address and he will get updates via RSS Aggregators. RSS Aggregators are websites which automatically checks updates content on each website and you can easily read latest updates like a newspaper. RSS Aggregators are also becoming popular day by day. Join some of the most popular websites below and submit your blog RSS.
7. Whois & Stats Based websites.
Not many people now that when the check there websites stats or Whois via an online website than they create a backlink towards there blog. What happens is when you check your blog stats Whois website created a special page with back link of your blog and when search engine crawls the website they credit a back link for your blog. Check you blog stats on some of the top stats websites mention below.
8. Link Exchange.
Exchanging links with other websites is also good to quickly build up your blog reputation as well as bring exchange traffic between two sites. But one thing keep in mind before link exchange that always exchange link blog related to your blog niche. Search engines only give preference to the those links which are coming from the same niche. Also make sure that you do not involve in too many link exchanges and only exchange 10 to 15 links not more than that.
9. Link Baiting.
Link baiting is the name of giving credit to those sites from where you copy some part of content or image. Its a good thing in SEO that you acknowledge the site from where you picking content. This is some kind of vote from you to the blog and hence search engines realize that this is a better site. So if you give authority to some one to publish your content make sure that the give back link towards your blog too.
10. Comments on other blogs.
Leaving comments on other blogs is very important because its a free method, consumes less time, brings lots of traffic and you have the chance to meet new bloggers and bring relationship. But keep in mind do not spam on other blogs by using some sort of software are leaving hundreds of comments daily. Its important that you make a habit of leaving 5 to 10 comments daily on the blogs which related to your blog niche.