How to do Standing Russian Twist

How to do Standing Russian Twist
The Standing Russian Twist is a great new take on an old style of pole dancing. In this version you use your own body weight to turn in a circle and use your arms to push you through the turning. This makes it a very fast moving style of pole dancing that you will be sure to love. The key to learning how to do Standing Russian Twist is to start off with the right body positioning. You want to be balanced and have a strong base so that your upper body will not swing back as you turn.
To practice this particular move, you can do a simulated Russian twist while holding onto a wrought iron rod. Stand in front of a mirror and point to where your head would be if you were to do a traditional Russian twist. Now lift your entire body off the ground and twist to one side but be sure to stay balanced. You want to be comfortable so make sure to have a soft ground surface to work on. You can do these motions several times and see what kind of reaction you get from the positions that you choose.
Working with a pole dancing pole is different than working with a regular deck. With the pole dancing pole you will need a larger surface to work on so that you can perform the maneuvers more fluidly. You will also want to wear larger shoes so that you will not slip on the wet metal surface. Practice often and you will be learning how to do Standing Russian Twist soon enough.